Pink never lets social media haters get away with their outrageous comments and this time it was no exception! That being said, the actress took to her social media platform of choice, Instagram, earlier today, to fire back at the trolls who were apparently, ‘offended’ by her ‘polarizing’ points of view.

Pink started her message with: ‘Throw up Thursday. I am the same girl I’ve always been. I have always admitted when I am wrong. I have apologized many times. I’m a big believer in apologies when you’re wrong. I was raised by a Vietnam Veteran who taught me to stand up for what I believe to be right. Even if that means standing alone.’

The star went on to explain that ‘I do not now, nor have I ever apologized for some of my very polarizing opinions. If you are surprised by this, or offended, you have every right to unfollow me, as you really don’t know who I am. I am mostly peace and love, with a little bit of go f**k yourself.’

Pink made it very clear that the ‘keyboard warriors’ or people who are only tough online, threatening her have absolutely no effect on her.

She then reminded her haters that there is an ‘unfollow’ button and invited them to press it if they don’t like her opinions or anything else about her. It’s that simple!

The lengthy message continued with Pink addressing the political climate in the country and also all of the ‘vile’ things trolls say about her and her family on social media.


Make sure to check out Pink’s entire letter on her account!
