Riddle Statues are among many mysteries you will encounter while exploring the vast world of Sanctuary in Diablo 4. These mysterious-looking statues are dotted across the Sanctuary, often hidden beside a sidepath, in small nooks or corners. Upon close observation, you’ll notice that these Riddle Statues carry cryptic messages that are barely readable. Deciphering these will give our characters much-needed buffs, which could potentially be a game-changer.

This article will explain how to solve these Riddle Puzzles and use the emote wheel in Diablo 4.

Diablo 4 Riddle Statue answers and buffs

The trick is to pay attention to the words in CAPS (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

In the world of Diablo 4, riddles are associated with each Riddle Statue that requires you to pay attention to the words written in CAPS, such as ‘GIVE AID’ or ‘EMBOLDEN.’ The capitalized words of each puzzle hint at the action you must take using emotes.

So without further ado, here are all the Riddles you will come across in Diablo 4 and the buffs they will provide you after being solved.

Give Aid

When you see the message "GIVE AID meek powerless," use the Help emote to receive a temporary Barrier buff. This buff provides you with a protective barrier, allowing you to withstand more damage.


When you see the message "EMBOLDEN soul unrelenting evil," use the Cheer emote to gain a temporary Emboldened Spirit buff. This one summons a spirit companion that will assist you in combat.


When you encounter the "GREET Death open arms" message, use the Hello emote to acquire the Shadows' Embrace buff. This buff grants you temporary invisibility, rendering you undetectable by enemies for a few seconds.


If you come across the message "dare PROVOKE ire fate," use the Taunt emote to obtain the Unstoppable buff. This buff removes any movement debuffs and provides your character immunity for a limited time.


When you see the word "ATONE," use the Sorry emote to receive some potions.

How to use emotes in Diablo 4?

Choose the right emote to solve the Riddle Statues (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Using emote is a pretty straightforward task. All you need to do is press the up button on the Controller or the E key on the keyboard to open up the Emote Wheel. You can then use the required emote to solve the Statue Riddles.

To make changes and modify the emote wheel, all you need to do is access the emote wheel once again by pressing the ‘E’ button or the ‘up’ arrow, depending on the platform. After that, you may select or customize the emote wheel as you wish.

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